Wildcards – Week of 10.16.16

Gavin MacFadyen (MacFayden): The Mysterious Death of Another Wikileaks Associate
Empty Lighthouse | 22 October 2016
Founder of the Centre for…

Paul Ryan Attacked Bernie Sanders. It Backfired Spectacularly
Vox | 21 October 2016
Preview of the major…

Green Party’s Jill Stein Released From Hospital After Pneumonia Bout
McClatchy DC | 21 October 2016
Didn’t stop Stein from livestreaming and tweeting…

Money & Markets Mentioned
This Week’s Best Campaign Disinfo/ Hoax: Hillary Clinton Flash-Crash to 12% Favorable, Losing 19-77% Nationally
Media | 20 October 2016
Salvage Program…

US General Suspects Iran Role in Huthi Attacks on US Ships
Space War | 19 October 2016
most forward-leaning…

Study Found Nanoparticles of Metal in Human Brains: Geoengineering, How to Detox
Era of Wisdom | 14 October 2016
4700?g/L aluminum in the city’s…

Washington Hits Back at Putin’s Humiliation
ICH | 11 October 2016

Another Clue About the Hidden System of Finance: Dark Nets
Giza Death Star | 09 October 2016
Clue into the the architecture…

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
Cryptome | 01 August 2016
KL Roberts…