Geopolitical – Week of 12.04.16

A “Soft Coup” Attempt: Furious Trump Slams “Secret” CIA Report Russia Helped Him Win
Zero Hedge | 10 December 2016
Absurdity to a whole…

Senate Quietly Passes The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act”
Zero Hedge | 10 December 2016
Ministry of Truth has…

Noted Iraq War Hawk John Bolton Is Trump’s Pick for Deputy Secretary of State
Libertarian Republic | 10 December 2016
Decision to…

Ted Cruz Announces Trump-inspired Amendment to the Constitution
The Blaze | 09 December 2016
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) has…

Trump Granddaughter Speaking Chinese | Ivanka Trumps Daughter Arabella Recites Chinese Poem
YouTube | 13 November 2016
Studying putonghua since she was…

MI6 Chief Says Fake News And Online Propaganda Are A Threat To Democracy
Buzz Feed | 08 December 2016
Snoopers’ charter…

Far-right MP Geert Wilders Found Guilty of Hate Speech
Al Jazeera | 10 December 2016
Leading a chant against…

Trump Just Offered Yet Another Goldman Veteran a Spot in His Administration
Forbes | 09 December 2016
Wall Street, though, has largely…

Georgia Accuses Homeland Security Of Attempting To Hack State’s Election Database
Zero Hedge | 08 December 2016
Technically illegal, even for…

Lawmakers Hit Stein With Horrible News… Move to Confiscate Recount War Chest
Conservative Tribune | 08 December 2016
States that were key to…

House Conservatives Rally Behind Rep. Mick Mulvaney for Trump’s OMB Chief
Breitbart | 08 December 2016
White House and the federal…

Pope Francis Compares Media Focus On Scandals To Fecal Fetish
USA Today |09 December 2016
Coprophilia, which…

ExxonMobil Chief’s Stock Rises in Trump Secretary of State Search
Fox News | 09 December 2016
Represent major…

[CAF Note: I give this story a 10% or less chance of being true. My bet for DNC leaker was the staffer assassinated in a professional hit in Washington. Want to guess who financed the hit?]
Secret CIA Assessment Says Russia Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House
Washington Post | 09 December 2016
Republican Party spent about…

Rudy Giuliani’s Bid To Join Trump Administration Is Over
NY Post | 09 December 2016
Full respect…

Hillary Clinton’s Losing Campaign Cost a Record $1.2B
NY Post | 09 December 2016
Republican Party spent about…

Trump: Five Political Minefields Facing President-elect
BBC | 07 December 2016

Trump Picks Wrestling Magnate Linda McMahon to Lead Small Business Administration
CNBC | 07 December 2016
Roll back the…

Washington Post Appends “Russian Propaganda Fake News” Story, Admits It May Be Fake
Zero Hedge | 07 December 2016
Discredited not only by outside commentators, but by…

Time – Picks Trump Person Of The Year For Dividing The Nation
Armstrong Economics | 08 December 2016
Framing tomorrow’s political culture by…

Heroin Now Kills More People Than Guns In America
Gizmodo | 08 December 2016
Substances being…

Trump picks retired combat leader for Homeland Security
USA Today | 07 December 2016
Suggested that President Obama had suppressed…

Recount 70% Complete: Hillary Clinton Has Cut into President-elect Trump’s Margin By 82 Votes
Fox 6 Now | 07 December 2016
Fraction of Trump’s…

3 Things You Should Know About Trump’s Dept. of Ed. Pick
NCHE | 05 December 2016
On issues of concern to homeschooling…

Catherine’s Latest Petition Signature
Petition for Clemency for Chery Howard
Change | 07 December 2016
Sign this petition…

Trump Taps Oklahoma Attorney General to Lead EPA
The Hill | 07 December 2016
EPA regulations…

Interview with The Corbett Report – Trump Fills the Swamp With Steven Mnuchin
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 07 December 2016
You’ll really…

War On The Homeless: Cities All Over America Are Passing Laws Making It Illegal To Feed And Shelter Those In Need
Economic Collapse Blog | 06 December 2016
Churches have…

Senate Dems, Powerless to Stop Trump Nominees, Regret ‘Nuclear Option’ Power Play
CNN | 05 December 2016
How to make…

Chicago Faces Political Power Outage as Trump Succeeds Obama
Bloomberg | 06 December 2016
39.4 percent…

‘Rookie’ Trump Must Fall Into Line: China Media
Yahoo | 06 December 2016
Overseas edition of Communist…

CNN Boss Admits Democrats Bigger First Amendment Threat than Trump
Zero Hedge | 06 December 2016
With CNN press…

Trump ‘Thrilled’ to Nominate Ben Carson as Housing, Urban Development Secretary
NBC News | 05 December 2016
Vice chairman of Trump’s…

An Open Letter to Jennifer Palmieri
US Defense Watch | 02 December 2016
You lost because…

19 Unforgettable Quotes From legendary Marine Gen. James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis
BI | 01 December 2016
“I don’t loose any sleep at night over”…

New Poll Reveals Carrier Deal Widely Popular With Voters “Rarely Do We See Numbers That High”
Zero Hedge | 06 December 2016
In return for…

MERKEL’S U-TURN: Angela Merkel Calls for Germany Burka Ban Saying ‘The Full Veil is Not Appropriate Here’ in Astonishing U-turn
Sun | 06 December 2016
Rule is…

Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes
Zero Hedge | 06 December 2016
No taxation without…

Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union
NTK Network | 06 December 2016
Rid of the Electoral…

3 Charts That Show How Americans Feel About Torture
Market Watch | 06 December 2016
Public is bombarded…

Pentagon Buries Evidence of $125 Billion in Bureaucratic Waste
Washington Post | 05 December 2016
Spending almost a quarter…

The System Didn’t Work – Bret Stephens
WSJ Opinion | 05 December 2016
(WSJ Subscription) From Italy to the U.K. to Ohio, the populist complaint…

GOP Files Federal Appeal But Mich. Recount Continues
USA Today | 05 December 2016
State Republican Party…

Denzel Washington Blasts Media For Selling ‘BS’
The Hill | 05 December 2016
Center of a fake…

Great Timing Award: Wolfgang Schäuble Says “Greece Must Reform Or Leave Eurozone”
Zero Hedge | 05 December 2016
If Greece does not get…

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Resigns
Guardian | 05 December 2016
Country by surprise…

Pelosi: After Devastating Losses, Democrats Don’t Need A New Direction
Town Hall | 05 December 2016
Warned the national party…

Here’s the Latest in the Presidential Vote Recounts in 4 States
Fortune | 05 December 2016
Susceptible to computer…

Baldwin Offers To ‘Stop’ SNL Skit in Exchange For Trump’s Tax Returns
Yahoo | 05 December 2016
People will respond…

Bernie Sanders on the Election
Armstrong Economics | 04 December 2016

YouTube | 04 December 2016
Got to stand with the working…Take on…

Italy Referendum: PM Matteo Renzi Resigns After Clear Referendum Defeat
BBC | 04 December 2016
Spearheaded the winning No…

How the Left and Right Can Learn to Love Localism: The Constitutional Cure for Polarization
Daily Beast | 04 December 2016

People Trafficking

Gefira | 03 December 2016
Monitored movements of ships owned by NGOs…

How the Left and Right Can Learn to Love Localism: The Constitutional Cure for polarization
Daily Beast | 04 December 2016
Should embrace a strong, constitutional…

What’s Really Behind Jill Stein’s Challenge in Three States?

YouTube | 04 December 2016
75,000 votes…could change…

Massive Voter Fraud Uncovered in Nevada
The Gateway Pundit |03 December 2016
Deceased are still on…

Jill Stein Drops Pennsylvania Recount Case, Cites Cost
KTLA | 03 December 2016
Court made clear it has no…

Trump’s New Economic Advisory Board Reads Like a Davos After-party Guest List
Vanity Fair | 02 December 2016
Blackstone Founder and…

Michigan Recount Cost: How Much Will the Recount Cost Taxpayers?
Heavy | 02 December 2016
Rest of the costs…

Donald Trump: A List of Potential Conflicts of Interest
BBC | 01 December 2016
Last financial disclosure was in…

Anti-Trump Forces Launch Attack On Electoral College
Politico | 30 November 2016
Established order…

Political Science’s “Theory of Everything”
UNZ | 30 November 2016
Infiltration of the US Government by…

Lisa Bloom And Laurence Tribe Offer to Represent “Faithless” Electors Pro Bono:
Democratic Underground | 27 November 2016
Who vote their…

Understanding The Undecided Voters
Boston Globe | 21 November 2016
“Now I see my tax dollars going to”…

Trump: ‘Now, the Cars are Made in Mexico and You Can’t Drink the Water in Flint’
Breitbart | 14 September 2016
Couldn’t drink the water in…

50 Centuries in 10 Minutes
YouTube | 01 March 2014
Geopolitical history of…