Top Censored News of 2009-10 Now Posted

The mission of Project Censored is to teach students and the public about the role of a free press in a free society – and to tell the News That Didn’t Make the News and Why, About Project Censored

The Top 25 Index

#1.Global Plans to Replace the Dollar
#2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet
#3. Internet Privacy and Personal Access at Risk
#4.ICE Operates Secret Detention and Courts
#5. Blackwater (Xe): The Secret US War in Pakistan
#6.Health Care Restrictions Cost Thousands of Lives in US
#7.External Capitalist Forces Wreak Havoc in Africa
#8.Massacre in Peruvian Amazon over US Free Trade Agreement
#9. Human Rights Abuses Continue in Palestine
#10. US Funds and Supports the Taliban

Archive Top Censored Stories 11 – 15

Archive Top Censored Stories 16 – 25

Censored 2010: Stories of 2008-2009