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On this week’s Solari Report I will be speaking with nutrition and neurofeedback practitioner Nora Gedgaudas. Nora is the author of Primal Body – Primal Mind: Empower Your Total Health the Way Evolution Intended (…And Didn’t).
While I focus on protecting my clients’ money from the ravages of inflation and financial fraud, Nora spends her time trying to protect her clients’ health from the ravages of processed diets, vaccines and environmental pollution.
Indeed, the two efforts are intimately connected. Ultimately, the political and corporate leadership who are expanding the money supply and engaging in financial fraud are the same or affiliated leadership to those profiting from a range of policies and practices that cause or lead to many health problems.
Health challenges are a leading cause of financial problems. And the risks are rising as we grapple with new and unprecedented environmental pollutions related to food, water, air, including global spraying and events such as the Gulf Oil spill.
Understanding what is really going on and how to stay healthy under these circumstances is a great investment of our time and money. So it is invaluable to find practitioners with an integrated approach who are committed to seeing themselves and their clients successful in the face of rising and sometimes mysterious risks.
I first became aware of Nora through a member of my Solari Circle who is one of her clients in Oregon where she is based. His persistence in insisting that I learn about her work and read her book was a reminder of how excited we get when we discover someone who has a radical and positive impact on our health.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, we will be reviewing Adam Curtis’ remarkable BBC documentary Century of Self which traces the application of Sigmund Freud’s theories to the management of popular opinion, including by his nephew and the founder of modern public relations, Edward Bernays. Curtis documents the extent to which our society has relinquished our political rights and power in exchange for consumer goods and attention. If you want to build a stronger immunity to media efforts to manipulate your political and consumer choices, you will enjoy this documentary which is now available on line.
Parts (2) (3) and (4)
I will be covering the latest developments in the financial markets in Money & Markets and answering your questions in Ask Catherine. If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, please post your questions at the cart. Remember, with our teleseminar software, you can also use your browser to listen live through the Internet as well as post your questions live.
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This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog.