Money & Markets

The Corporate Curse – How Business Culture Dragged America Down With It
By Sam Smith – Progressive Review (May 2008)

Vallejo Votes for Bankruptcy (8 May 2008)

Nameless Central Bankers Try Talking Dollar Back Up Via FT
By Krishna Guha & Ralph Atkins – Financial Times, London (8 May 2008)

Fed Seeks Approval to Pay Interest to Banks
By Greg Ip – Wall Street Journal (7 May 2008)

Oil Could Hit $200 in ‘Super-Spike’
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (7 May 208)

The War on Greed Starring Larry the Loophole – Henry Kravis

Amazon Challenges NY Online Sales Tax
By Roy Mark – (5 May 2008)

Grain Companies’ Profits Soar as Global Food Crisis Mounts
By David Kesmodel – Wall Street Journal (30 Apr 2008)

Making a Killing From Hunger
Grain – (Apr 2008)

Ticker Tape Still Ain’t Spaghetti
By Amy Goodman – (1 May 2008)

Fannie Mae Swings to Loss, Will Seek Fresh $6 Billion [Must subscribe to view full article.]
By Donna Kardos – Wall Street Journal (6 May 2008)

13 Asian Nations Agree to Set up 80 Billion Dollar Crisis Fund
Yahoo News (4 May 2008)

India May Extend Ban on Food Futures to Ease Prices
By Cherian Thomas & Naga Munchetty – (5 May 2008)

Fed ‘Rogue Operation’ Spurs Further Bailout Calls
By Craig Torres – (2 May 2008)

Monetary Policy is the Forbidden Issue of Politics
Ron Paul on TV (3 May 2008)

Dollar’s Reserve Status is Tale of Fading Glory
By Michael R. Sesit – Bloomberg News (2 May 2008)

GATA Delegation Will Speak at Vancouver Conference in June
By Chris Powell – GATA (2 May 2008)

Bill Moyers’ Hypocrisy – A Crushing Disappointment
By Dick Eastman – (1 May 2008)