Life – Week of 04.23.17

50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase

YouTube | 24 April 2017
Setting the Example…

Bell Tolls for Historic Bell Maker
CNS News | 30 April 2017
Another Traditions is History….

Local: Georgia Street Community Collective: Our Community
Georgia Street CC | 28 April 2017
Popsicle index…

South India’s Drought Part 1: Five States Face Severe Water Crisis Made Worse by the Onset of Summer
First Post | 26 April 2017
BRIC Member Weather Worries…

101-Year-Old Indian Woman Wins 100 Meter Dash at World Masters Games in New Zealand as the Only Competitor in the 100+ Age Category.
Twitter-ABC | 25 April 2017
What’s Our Excuse?

Where to Live to Avoid a Natural Disaster
NYT | 30 April 2011
Natural Hazard Map…

Local: Resilient Kids, Even After a Loss
NY Times | 28 April 2017
Make a difference to…

Local: How a “Vitality Fellow” Captured the Imagination of a City
Next City | 02 March 2017
Speakers’ series that attracted 1,200…

Local: Did Free College Save this City?
CS Monitor | 17 December 2016
“Education sticks with you forever….