Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.17

5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (1) Defense of Freedom! Alex Jones Infowars
Alex Jones | 03 May 2017
Political Realities….

5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (2) Defense of Freedom! Alex Jones Infowars
Alex Jones | 03 May 2017
Interview repeats @ ~12 mins…

Catherine Austin Fitts: Talks Local Action and POISON

Shadow Citizen | 03 May 2017
Risks of Exposing the Tape Worm…

How the Government Predicts The Future – Inside the “Sentient World Simulation”
Corbett Report | 06 May 2017
SkyNet Approaches…

900 Suspected Pedophiles Arrested as ‘Darknet’ Child Porn Kingpin Jailed for 30yrs
RT | 06 May 2017

Political Ramifications Abound…..

Fight Brews Over Push to Shield Americans in Warrantless Surveillance
NYT | 06 May 2017
Surveillance State in Your Face…

Emmanuel Macron’s Campaign Hacked on Eve of French Election
The Guardian | 06 May 2017
More on Macron Email Hack…

French Candidate Macron Claims Massive Hack as Emails Leaked
Reuters | 06 May 2017
Sound Familiar???

UK Government Planning to Ban Encryption, Spy on All Communications in Real Time
Sputnik News | 05 May 2017
MOI is Here…

China Finance Minister Skips Summit with Japan, Korea to Attend Emergency Meeting
Reuters | 05 May 2017
China sees NK as Priority…

Voters Don’t Trust Polls, See Anti-Trump Bias
Rasmussen | 05 May 2017
Propaganda Fail….

Gazprom to Begin Turkish Stream Construction in Next few Days
RT | 05 May 2017
Oil, Oil and More Oil Politics….

‘Declaration of war’: Russian MPs Blast US Plans to Enforce N. Korea Sanctions on Foreign Territory
RT | 05 May 2017
Saber Rattling for the Week…

Takedown of Underground Paedophile Network Nets 900 Arrests
News 24 | 05 May 2017
FBI to the Rescue…

The future of Islam in Western Europe
The Saker | 05 May 2017
Middle Ground Explanation…

Money is Pouring in on Macron to Win the French Election
Business Insider | 05 May 2017
PTB pumps Macron Campaign…

The Brief: “BOOM,” says Abbott, After Texas House Passes Call for Convention of States
Texas Tribune | 05 May 2017
Disaster in the Making…

Russia, Iran, Turkey Ban US Planes Above Syrian “Safe Zones”
Zero Hedge |05 May 2017
The Line in the Sand Routine….

Barret Brown: US Journalist May Seek Asylum Overseas After Being Re-Imprisoned for Talking to Press
RT | 05 May 2017
MIC Flexes it’s Political Muscle…

Trump to Visit Saudi Arabia, Israel & Vatican in First Overseas Presidential Trip
RT | 05 May 2017
Trump World Tour…

America’s Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia. “Disarming Enemies with a Surprise Nuclear First Strike”
Global Research| 04 May 2017
Dr. Strangelove Rides Again…

U.S. Company in Iraq Involved in Prostitution, Alcohol Smuggling OCCRP | 04 May 2017
MIC Black Market Ops…

Leadership of Sallyport Venture Owner are Former Dyncorp Investors and Board Members
DC Capital Partners | May 2017
MIC Black Ops Management..
Leadership of Sallyport Venture Owner are Former Dyncorp Investors and Board Members
DC Capital Partners | May 2017
MIC Black Ops Management..

US: DynCorp Disgrace
Corp Watch | 14 January 2002
DynCorp Rap Sheet…

Le Pen Clowns at Debate Instead of Taking Anti-Austerity Seriously
The Saker | 04 May 2017
Uncivil Public Discourse…

San Francisco Sheriff Known for ‘Sanctuary City’ Defense Loses Re-Election Bid
Fox News | 04 November 2015
Voter Blow Back…

US Opioid Crisis at Epidemic Proportions
Yahoo | 04 May 2017
Serious Harvesting of the Populace…

President Obama’s Team Sought NSA Intel on Thousands of Americans During the 2016 Election
Circa | 04 May 2017
Nixon on Steroids…

Queen Calls her Entire Household to ‘Highly Unusual’ Emergency Meeting at Buckingham Palace Today – But Aides Say There is ‘No Cause for Concern’
Daily Mail | 04 May 2017
Wasn’t About Tea…

WATCH: Donald Trump Releases Ad Slamming Fake News. CNN Refuses to Air it
The Duran | 03 May 2017
CNN Censorship…

Report: McMaster May Leave Trump to Take Army Promotion
Info Wars | 03 May 2017
Deep State Machinations…

Fox News as We Know it is Finished, Predicts Murdoch Biographer Michael Wolff
CNBC | 02 May 2017
MSM Fall Out…

Israel Shows Off F-35 Stealth Fighters for First Time Space Daily| 02 May 2017
International MIC Still Going Strong….

China demands halt to US Missile Shield in S.Korea
Space War | 02 May 2017
More Military Spending Justifications..

51% Of Murders In The U.S. Come From Just 2% Of The Counties
Zero Hedge | 02 May 2017
Concentrated Mayhem….

Outside the United States is Terrifying! (According to the Government)
Daily Bell| 02 May 2017
Is Europe More Dangerous than Chicago???

Provocateur-in-Chief Trump Pokes His Own Party’s Power Centers
Bloomberg | 02 May 2017
Wildcard Legislation…

Illicit Financial Flows to and from Developing Countries: 2005-2014
GF Integrity | 01 May 2017
The Global Harvest in Graphic Format…

Deal Reached on US Spending, Shutdown Likely Averted
Straits Times | 01 May 2017
More Kick the Can…

Donald Trump’s New World Order Connections Revealed
Your Newswire | 06 April 2017
The “Bug Club” Exposed…

Latest French Election Polls: Le Pen Gains on Macron
Newsweek | 01 May 2017
Nationalism Gains Ground…

Europe Travel Alert
State Department | 01 May 2017
EU Travel Advisory…

Local: Law and the New Order: A Fresh Wave of District Attorneys Is Redefining Justice
Governing | April 2017
Culture of administering justice…

Local: US Local Government and Mayors of Largest Cities
City Mayors | May 2017
There are 19,429 municipal governments in…

Local: Corrupt US Mayors Pose a Threat to Decency in Society
City Mayors | May 2017

Bureau of Justice Statistics
BJS | June 2015
Available survey results…

‘Oh my God!’ Moment Army Geeks Find Gold Bars worth £2M Inside Iraqi Tank Bought on Ebay
Express UK |12 April 2017
UK Customs Needs Help…