Top Picks ~ Week of January 15, 2007

Revolution Arising from the Earth, Part I
By William Kotke – Speaking Truth to Power (Jan 15, 2007)

Children of Men: Everything Your Denial Keeps You From Seeing
By Carolyn Baker – Speaking Truth to Power (Jan 15, 2007)

Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon
By David Hambling – Wired News (Dec 5, 2006)

100 Professors Question 9/11

Chavez Says Private Firms Can Hold Minority Shares in Venezuelan Oilfields
By Natalie Obiko Pearson – AP (Jan 13, 2007)

Beyond Vegetarianism – Reports from Veterans of Vegetarian & Raw Food Diets

Homes of Earth and Straw – Ecoville Architechs

US Attorneys Forced to Resign – UNPRECEDENTED
By homeland observer – Daily Kos (Jan 16, 2007)

China Tests Satellite Killer (Jan 18, 2007)

Get off the Grid: Ecoville Training Center
Ecovillage Living @ The Farm in Tennessee

Social Security Agreement with Mexico Released Afgter 3 1/2 Year Freedom of Information Act Battle
PR Newswire (Dec 29, 2006)