Geopolitical – Week of 12.12.10

U.S. Code-cracking Agency Works as if Compromised
Reuters (17 Dec 10)

The Food Safety Bill Dies With The Spending Bill
National Health Federation (16 Dec 10)

WikiLeaks’ Assange Says He Fears U.S. Extradition
Reuters (17 Dec 10)

Obama’s Next Fiscal Disaster
Undernews (16 Dec 10)

What Bernie Said, Part II
Truthout (16 Dec 10)

Greek Police Clash With Anti-austerity Protesters
Reuters (15 Dec 10)

Reeling From Riots, Italy Faces Uncertainty
Breitbart (15 Dec 10)

The Fierce Ideology of ‘No Labels’
Gawker (13 Dec 10)

How Much Surplus Did The US Have When Clinton Left Office? (Dec 10)

Now Wikileaks Suffers its Own Leaks
The Telegraph (16 Dec 10)

WikiLeaks’ Assange Has Heard Rumours of U.S. Indictment
Reuters (16 Dec 10)

CIA Tries Again to Duck Responsibility for Doing Drug Experiments on Veterans
Courthouse News Services (14 Dec 10)

CFTC Will Miss Statute’s Deadline on Commodity Position Limits
GATA (15 Dec 10)

Martial Law: UK Police Chief Mulls Banning Protests
PrisonPlanet (15 Dec 10)

BP Sued by Obama Administration Over Worst Oil Spill
Bloomberg (15 Dec 10)

Lieberman Introduces Anti-WikiLeaks Legislation
Wired (2 Dec 10)

FedEx Defeats Drivers Claims’ Seeking Full Employee Benefits
Bloomberg (15 Dec 10)

Andrew Breitbart Nukes The White House: MASSIVE Pigford Black Reparations Scam Document Dump Today (6 Dec 10)

Police: Fla. Man Shot Self At School Board Meeting (Dec 2010)

Senate Food Safety Bill Included in FY11 Spending Measure
Western Farm Press (13 Dec 10)

Carlyle CFO Peter Nachtwey Resigns
peHub (13 Dec 10)

Wikileaks: Brought to You by The CIA
Brasscheck TV (Dec 2010)

Halliburton Offers Nigeria $250 Million in Exchange for Dropping Charges Against Cheney, Company
Truthout (14 Dec 10)


Russian Armed Forces on High Alert Over North Korea
KBOI News/Talk 670 (14 Dec 10)

Berlusconi Narrowly Survives Italy Confidence Vote
Reuters (14 Dec 10)

Operation Payback Manifesto from Anonymous
Anarchist (9 Dec 10)

(26 Nov 10)

Vatican Bank ‘Allowed Clergy to Act as Front For Mafia’
The Independent (13 Dec 10)

Washington Post-ABC News Poll Finds Broad Bipartisan Support For Tax Package
The Washington Post (13 Dec 10)

Rep. Ron Paul, G.O.P. Loner, Comes In From Cold
The New York Times (12 Dec 10)

Espionage Act: How the Government Can Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States
The Huffington Post (10 Dec 10)

Longtime HRA Boss, Three Others Busted For Stealing $8 Million in Food Stamps
Daily News (9 Dec 10)

You Don’t Want to be Unemployed in Vermont
CNN (9 Dec 10)

All-Female U.S. Marines Battalion
Yahoo News (9 Dec 10)

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
The Public Record (10 Dec 10)

WikiLeaks: Vatican Pressured Ireland On Sex Abuse Scandal
The Huffington Post (11 Dec 10)

Wikileaks: A Big Dangerous US Government Con Job (10 Dec 10)

WikiLeaks Latest: A Minefield in Eastern Europe
Chronicles (9 Dec 10)

Ron Paul, Author of ‘End the Fed,’ to Lead Fed Panel
Bloomberg (9 Dec 10)

Dems Pull Fast One With Food-Safety Bill
News With Views (10 Dec 10)

I Used To Believe In Our Government. Then I Fought In Iraq. Now I Support WikiLeaks
Business Insider (10 Dec 10)

New Rules: You And The IRS This January
Activist Post (7 Dec 10)

Lights of Rebellion – Evo Answers NATO (26 Nov 10)