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“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few”
~Percy Bysshe Shelley
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on The Solari Report Jon Rappoport takes us into the mystery of our most intimate situation. How do some of us avoid being controlled? How do some of us avoid contributing to control? How did someone start life dreaming of becoming a fireman who saved lives and instead end up at a federal agency designing new surveillance techniques to help create a new form of slavery and mind control?
There is no more important question at the heart of finding real solutions. Friendly fascism is implemented day to day by millions of people all around the world. We have the power to walk away – to put down work that does harm and seek that which lifts up humanity and is most in our heart to do.
Contemplating our own complicity in all that is happening around us is a first, critical step to finding our power.
As always, Jon’s insights are original and profound, reflecting as rich an understanding of the life we are living today as you will find.
It’s Jon’s show this week – so no Money & Markets. Do post your questions for us on the blog!
Related Reading:
Jon has created a new special collection which includes a wealth of his material on imagination and personal power. He is calling it Exit the Matrix. It comes with my highest recommendation!
For more information on Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News.