“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.” ~ Rudolf Steiner
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I just spent three fascinating hours over lunch today here in Zurich with Thomas Meyer, publisher of Perseus Publishing in Basel Switzerland.
Perseus has an extensive list of books on Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy. Here is a link to their collection available in English. Perseus also publishes a monthly magazine, The Present Age, dedicated to the advancement of Spiritual Science.
I was first inspired to read Rudolf Steiner’s works by my good friends Christopher and Martina Mann, who founded the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in East Troy Wisconsin. The Institute has helped to spread biodynamic farming in the United States. The challenge was that Steiner’s complete works are extensive – where to find the time to read so much?
That problem was solved by Ann Watson of Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, who loves to read Steiner and offered to read to me as I drove across America. I have sped across thousands of miles of American interstates in the moonlight accompanied by Ann and her dramatic readings of Steiner’s lectures.
Ann is a great admirer of Thomas Meyer and has insisted for years that we should meet. As I am back in Switzerland, meet we did. What a memorable occasion! Thomas is a remarkable human – teacher, intellect, student and lover of life. It was like having lunch with a living library. I am glad I did not have an appointment following because we talked half the afternoon away.
I am hoping to have Thomas on the Solari Report this fall to help our subscribers learn more about Steiner and how Steiner’s teachings can help us successfully navigate the world today. So stay tuned!
And compliments to the marvelous staff at the Quaglinos Cafe at Hotel Europe. Nothing supports superb conversation like a beautiful cafe with fine cuisine!