Banking Fugitives Hide Out in London

By Stacey Herbert

The fact is that Russia now joins Iceland and Afghanistan as the ONLY nations to have international arrest warrants out for banking thieves. This is our single most urgent concern in all the banking disasters around the world – justice. Without justice, these banking crime waves will not stop. The Bank of Moscow fraudster is hiding out in London and will no doubt live it large there thanks to London’s safe haven status. Icelandic bankers are also hiding out in London after fleecing their
country with ‘loans’ to close friends and family.

Now on to the math. A $14 billion bailout of a retail bank is large, but compare that to Ireland from which these trolls wish to take our attention. Russia has a $1.25 trillion economy with steady income stream from oil at $100 / barrel. Ireland has a $230 billion economy that is rapidly shrinking and that relies on IMF loans and capital markets. Russia bailed out the Bank of Moscow – a bank with RETAIL deposits – for $14 billion. Ireland bailed out Anglo Irish Bank – an almost ENTIRELY commercial lending operation – to the tune of $50 billion. Do I really have to do the math for EVERY troll on the internet? Furthermore, of $14 billion for the Bank of Moscow’s bailout – $10 billion comes from the /*Deposit Insurance*/. And it comes in the form of a 10 year loan. Anglo Irish was ‘bailed out’ by transferring the entire toxic balance sheet of Anglo Irish to the public.

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