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The Solari Report 2014-08-14
View the Interview Presentation
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Audio Chapters
Introduction and Theme “The Power of Law”
Money & Markets This week in Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the recent numbers on equities as well as the lack of a summer correction in the markets that has yet to occur. She also takes a look at delinquency on debt by the top states.
Hero and “Let’s Go to the Movies!” Our hero this week is Soviet Naval Commander – Vasili Arkhipov. This week in Let’s Go to the Movies Catherine reviews Secrets of the Dead: The Man Who Saved the World. The film tells the story of Vasili Arkhipov who was the deputy commander on the K-19.
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Question 1:
Hi Catherine:
This short announcement seems important. Would you comment on it? Thanks.
Question 2:
I ask this knowing there is no totally safe bank. But if you were going to put money in a bank, where would you research the financial strength of various institutions. Weiss Ratings?
Question 3:
Dear Catherine:
This article tells us that Facebook will now be requiring its users to download a new mobile app to send messages to their Facebook friends on their mobile de-vices. In addition, as part of the terms of service you need to agree that Facebook can record audio, video, and take pictures through your mobile device, send messages to your contacts and call them directly, and gain access to all of your communication records with everyone you’ve ever contacted through your mobile device.
Question 4:
Hello Catherine,
I live in the Comox Valley on central Vancouver Island in British Columbia. I would like to join a Solari circle. Do you have Solari subscribers on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada?
Interview Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with guest Franklin Sanders.
August 21: Pandemics, Politics and Unanswered Questions with Jon Rappoport
August 28: Border Wars with Zack Taylor
September 04: Russia and the Ukraine Back Story with Anne Williamson
DOW 5 Years
Gold Weekly 3.8 Years
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U.S. Dollar Index 1 Year 8 Month
XAU 3.5 Years
“”Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.” ~Henry Ford
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week is the Precious Metal Market Report on The Solari Report. Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger will join me to brief us on the latest developments in the gold and silver markets and share his insight on what technical analysis is telling him about current market trends. We will discuss the potential impact of the Federal Reserve’s taper of quantitative easing through October. What could happen? What signs should we watch for? What steps do we take to navigate?
In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest news in current events and finance.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review a 2012 PBS documentary Secrets of the Dead: The Man Who Saved the World. It tells the story of Soviet submarine fleet commander Vasili Arkhipov who served as deputy commander on the K-19 during the nuclear incident that was the basis of the movie K-19: The Widowmaker and then prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The title comes from a statement from the National Archive Director that “a guy called Vasili Arkhipov saved the world”.
The year after this documentary was made, another was made by the same name The Man Who Saved The World, about a Russian officer who declined to retaliate after receiving a false alarm from the Soviet nuclear early warning system in 1983. Both stories are a reminder that each individual is important, each makes a difference in this world and choosing peace can make all the difference.
Talk to you Thursday!