Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of Reinventing America’s Homes and Buildings with Mat Stein here (PDF)
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”
– Confucius
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The signals are everywhere. The flow of inexpensive financing to fund larger homes and homeownership in America is coming to the end. Congress is proposing to convert Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to a coinsurance scheme. Real estate developers are talking about REITS and rental bonds. The Fed is laying the groundwork to raise interest rates.
But it is not just the financial developments inspiring change. Weird weather, tornados, hurricanes, droughts, fires, earthquakes, and harsh winters – they all inspire modifications to our homes and communities. And what about indoor pollution? An important part of preventative health care is making sure our homes support our health.
Join me next week for a discussion with engineer, homebuilder and author Mat Stein on how to start building resiliency into our homes and living spaces.
It’s the last week of the month, so no Money & Markets. The following week is the 1st Quarter Wrap Up – so please do start sending me your requests for topics you would like me to address.
Talk to you Thursday!