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Read the transcript of Strategic Issues Facing the U.S. Military, Warfare in the 21st Century with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (PDF)
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Audio Chapters
1. Introduction and Theme “Gearing Up for Fall Fire-Walking”
2. Money & MarketsIn Money & Markets this week Catherine looks at trends in interest rates and also Germany’s recognition of Bitcoin as a legitimate currency. Catherine also discusses the true motives behind the current prison system.
“Germany Recognizes the Bitcoin” Slide
“Growth and More Growth” Slide
“Science and Technology” Slide
3. Hero Our hero this week is Bill Vander Zalm with runner-up Greg Palast.
4. Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
5. Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Colonel Wilkerson and the problems facing today’s military from above and within.
6. Let’s Go to the Movies! Catherine reviews “Invisible War” and connects it to her discussion with Colonel Wilkerson and the U.S. military today.
7. Closing
August 29: Pre-recorded – A Jon Rappoport Report
September 5: What is Breakthrough Energy?
September 12: Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders
“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”
~Sun Tzu, The Art of War
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on The Solari Report, I will be speaking with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who teaches national security at the College of William & Mary following a distinguished career in the military and as chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Col. Wilkerson continues to participate in policy formation on military issues. He is known for his clear, frank assessments about the challenges we face. I asked him to help us look at the world from the point of view of the Joint Chiefs. What are the strategic issues facing the US military in the 21st Century?
This is a fascinating, lively conversation, touching on war in the Middle East, the explosive growth of funding for the US intelligence complex and the war on terror, recent revelations on the NSA, personnel issues in the ranks, including suicide and sex abuse, and the challenges of maintaining strong leadership within an increasingly corrupt and politicized governmental and financial structure.
If an entire society depends on the US military to keep the US dollar working as the reserve currency, what happens if they instead organize to serve short-term political interests and generate short-term corporate profits as opposed to address the strategic issues at hand?
We will post the interview with Colonel Wilkerson on Thursday evening. Join me live on Thursday evening for Money & Markets, a review of the most important developments in the financial markets and in global geopolitics.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review The Invisible War, a 2012 documentary film about sex abuse in the US military. Recent polls show that the US military is one of the most respected institutions in America today. Nevertheless, the military’s inability to deal with growing abuse of both women and men in the ranks by fellow soldiers and the military justice and health care systems is causing serious harm to morale and recruiting. If this continues, the support of the American people, long the life blood of the US military, may be threatened.
We will post the interview on the blog on Thursday evening. Join me live for Money & Markets, Ask Catherine and Let’s Go to the Movies on Thursday evening. Full audios will be on the blog on Friday.
This will be a particularly powerful report. Don’t miss it!