Photo Credit: Gaston’s – White River, Arkansas
“I have three treasures which I hold and keep. The first is mercy, for from mercy comes courage. The second is frugality, from which comes generosity to others. The third is humility, for from it comes leadership.” — Master Po
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Rambus is the on line handle of one of the all-star performers in navigating the precious metals markets over the last two years. Rambus is the proprietar of Rambus Chartology, along with colleagues, Sir Fullgoldcrown and Sir Audept.
My partner Chuck Gibson put me on to Rambus. Chuck’s skills at technical analysis are serious. He thinks Rambus is the charting equivalent of a Kung Fu Master. I think Rambus writes in language that even I can understand which explains why I became a subscriber.
Funny how frustrating things can turn into blessings. I had password trouble and the next thing you know I was e-mailing with Sir Fullgoldcrown, only to discover that Rambus lives in the Ozarks. The Ozark Mountains encompass one of the most beautiful areas in North America and are close to my route traveling back and forth to Tennessee. So I invited Rambus and his wife to dinner and, what do you know, they said yes!
Sure enough, we had dinner at Gaston’s White River Resort last Tuesday in the Ozarks. Here is the report from Rambus himself. What a time! It is inspiring to meet and get to know someone who has spent a lifetime taking responsibility to understand his world and has created a successful business to help others do the same.
There is nothing quite like Southern hospitality. There is a sweet soulfulness to life in the rural South that is wholly unique. Dining with Rambus and his lovely wife reminded me that I was home again.
Thanks, Rambus! Thanks for taking the time to have dinner. Thanks for all that you do for your readers and subscribers!