[CAF Note: Good news! Matt Socha will be joining us for “How do I Live a Free and Inspired Life?” in November
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I received a strong recommendation from Dr. Joseph Farrell for Matt Socha’s work so I ordered and read Matt’s book The Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality Can Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough.
Here is a description from Matt’s website.
“Having also held positions in middle management with various companies and corporations, it has become evident to [Matt] that the success or failure of any hierarchal organization is dependent on its culture – which starts at “the top.””
“Noticing the dynamics behind the demise of the many companies he had worked that “went under” are now prevalent at a national level, he felt compelled to write The Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality Can Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough – out of love and concern for his country.”
“With extensive research into personal and social psychology, metaphysical studies, and his own mediumship ability, The Toxic States of America is intended to provide both a psycho-spritual analysis behind the destructive trends our country is now facing and a remedy to restore this once great nation to the vision shared by its Founding Fathers.”
Socha describes the spiral downward of a society that is driven by fear and the growing toxicity of both those who perpetuate fear as well as those who fall prey to it. He suggests an action framework for using spiritual methods to reverse the cycle both in our own lives, the people around us as well as our wider society.
Socha’s work aligns strongly with our approach at Solari – and why it is essential to remove the toxicity from our own lives and help others do the same. If we reengineer government credit and investment, invest in productive infrastcture and integrate new technology, we have the basis of significant improvement in our wealth. It will, however, require a significant shift in conciousness and culture just as Socha describes.
This one is recommended.