By Catherine

Proposed U.S. Budget

The new budget tells the story. The U.S. government collects taxes from Americans and debt tithes globally and then gives the money to the banks

By Catherine

Sam Smith Moves To Maine

The Progressive Review is one of the finest news sources around. It’s esteemed publisher is proof positive that not everyone who graduates from Harvard goes

By Catherine

Numbers in the News

Mathematicians Discover the Largest Number Consent of the Governed Blog (11 Feb 2009) PALO ALTO, CA – An international mathematics research team announced today that

By Catherine

The China Question

There is a Internet rumor that the U.S. has granted the Chinese the power of eminent domain if the U.S. defaults on its debt. This

By Catherine

Letter to the Editor

Editor, The Nation Ladies and Gentlemen: On February 13th, you published “The Peterson Foundation Responds” by David Walker, CEO of The Peterson Foundation (See Peterson