By Catherine

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Good news! The Bureau of Labor Statistics at the U.S. Department of Labor has announced the April Producer Price Index. You will be delighted to

By Catherine

The Next Shoe to Drop

Rob Kirby of Financial Sense discusses his conversation with Catherine about the demise of Bear Stearns and related events. The Next Shoe to Drop By

By Catherine

Futures Market 101

One of the signs watched to determine risks of inflation or deflation is the relationship of current commodities prices to those expressed in future contracts.

By Catherine

Pricing Ethics

Does Being Ethical Pay? By Remi Trudel & June Cotte – Wall Street Journal (12 May 2008) <ul>”After reading about the company and its coffee,

By Catherine

Freddie Mac Conference

“Now previously we have said that we expect housing prices to fall at least 15% nationally, and today they [have fallen] about 9% through the

News & Commentary

Oldie (2002) But Goodie

Investors’ New Worry: “Auditor Risk” By Robert Barker – Barker.Online (25 Jan 2002) “Thank heaven for Arthur Andersen. You may think I’m nuts, given the