By Catherine Austin Fitts
On Tuesday, Solari Report subscribers and selected friends and entrepreneurs joined Jason Bawden-Smith and me for a discussion of Planet Debt and the global re-balancing currently underway. This was an intimate conversation, so we did not record.
Below are the presentation slides. These include many of the topics covered in my Auckland speech (which was recorded).
What I am finding is that successful entrepreneurs are busy – so busy that they miss the signs of the big changes coming fast from new technology, globalization and the increasing investment in space.
For me, a particularly fascinating part of Tuesday’s discussion dealt with the changes underway in education. When does the desire for a certificate or a brand-name diploma take precedence over getting the best education possible? View Mary Meeker’s latest presentation to see how little change has yet occurred in government and education.
Another interesting point relates to the shift to personal sovereignty. As described in our latest wrap up, Planet Debt, if we are being targeted on an individual level, then that is where our sovereignty must be created and maintained. Coherence occurs one person and one living being at a time. Ultimately, I am responsible for my own integrity and excellence.
Several of us then gathered for a long and highly productive lunch on Thursday on the roof deck at Coogee Pavilion (overlooking the ocean at Coogee Beach) to conspire about some of the emerging education opportunities .
This Thursday in Sydney, Australia, it is a wonderful time to be alive.
Click on the presentation slides below to view full-size versions: