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The Solari Report – 05 Mar 2009
John Rubino’s latest book, Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom, is as good as the one before, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It, which he co-authored with James Turk.
John’s background in investing is significant. He worked on Wall Street as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990s, he was a featured tech stock columnist with TheStreet.com and a frequent contributor to Individual Investor, Online Investor, and Consumers Digest, among other publications. He now writes for CFA Magazine and edits DollarCollapse.com and GreenStockInvesting.
Several years ago, my Solari Circle decided we would invest in alternative energy companies. I spent a year navigating through the complex products and companies in this area. Getting my mind around this area took an immense amount of time. I was also very concerned about fraud, particularly given the chances that we experience a green investing “pump and dump.” Best to wait until the global bubble burst and equity markets had found new levels.
Well the bubble has burst and the markets are falling towards a new level. If we are going to shift our capital out of fraudulent bubbles and into enterprises that hold out the hope for real solutions in the real economy, then this is an investment area that is going to be very long lived. The opportunities for change are many and the technologies that need to be applied are also many.
John will be joining me on Thursday, March 5 on The Solari Report. We will be talking about green-tech investing – what is it, the risks and opportunities and how can you learn more about it. We will also talk about the outlook for the global equity markets and what that could mean for whether capital is flowing to real solutions or not.
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