**Note: We are republishing each of the 22 challenges from Catherine’s fiscal cliff article – one a week. Helps to digest them bit by bit!**
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Federal finances depend on the U.S. dollar’s status as the global reserve currency and the ability of the Treasury and federal agencies to borrow from and transact in financial markets despite their not complying with the basic standards required of state and local governments and private companies to access those same markets.
This is made possible by the tactical threat and use of force. Essentially, the U.S. military, with its strategic control of sea lanes and space and global trade and communications, is the enforcement arm for the banking cartel run by the Federal Reserve, as proxy for the U.S. Treasury.
These dependencies of the central banks on the military and the military on the central banks make it extremely difficult for the central banks and the military to hold each other to standards of efficient and accountable use of resources. This makes reengineering defense appropriations a very necessary, yet delicate task.