Popsicle Index Down, Prison Stocks Up

In from Sam Smith at Progressive Review:

The Vortex
A Justice Policy Institute Report (Dec 2007)

ACCORDING TO THE Department of Health & Human Services, the highest rate of illicit drug use is among persons reporting two or more races (13%). American Indians are second at 12% following by Blacks at 8.7%, Whites at 8.1% and Latinos at 7.2 percent. Asians had the lowest rate at 3.1%.

Bearing this in mind, now consider some facts from the Justice Police Institute.

In white liberal Montgomery County, MD, blacks are incarcerated on drug charges 22 times as often as are whites while in neighboring Prince Georges County, where blacks comprise two-thirds of the population, the discrepancy is four times.

Here are the number of times more frequently blacks are incarcerated on drug charges than is the case for whites in other places around the country:

24 – Waukesha County, WI
27 – Montgomery County, PA
9 – Baltimore, MD
37 – Westchester County, NY
23 – King County, WA
17 – Los Angeles, CA
5 – NYC, NY
2 – Philadelphia, PA
15 – Milwaukee, WI
6 – Denver, CO