
For some reason (groan) a very old article is circulating on the internet. It includes an estimate of presidential campaign contributions from the largest states that is too high. I calculated it with care from derivative data from a reputable magazine. When I finally found the wonderful, new calculations for a subsequent campaign showed that I must have been wrong. These are the moments I miss having a large firm, rich with smart people to check my calculations and spelling.

I later used corrected figures in my article “Narco Dollars for Beginners,” in the part, On Your Map:

“What are the four states with the largest market share in illegal narcotics trafficking? Draw a map if you want and shade them in on your map.

Yup. You got it.

New York, California, Texas and Florida.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics analysis of the 2000 elections, donors in California, New York, the District of Colombia Metro Area (which is full of lawyers and lobbyists who represent all the other states), Texas and Florida contributed $666.8 million, or approximately 47 percent of a total of $1.427 billion in donations.”

Narco Dollars for Beginners,” it is one of my favorites. It is an oldie, but goodie. Since ending illegal drug trafficking and the war on drugs is my vote for one of the three most important things we could do to raise the Popsicle Index in America and worldwide, I recommend it to you.