By Gary Dorsch
Operating under the elixir of ultra-low interest rates, and flush with trillions of fiat currency at their disposal, courtesy of the world’s top-20 central banks, hedge funds and banking Oligarchs are once again making risky and daring bets in commodities, emerging markets, junk bonds, and blue-chip stocks, defying gravity with trades that would have been un-thinkable just six-months ago.
In order to engineer a 180-degree turnaround in trader psychology, from the chronic fear of meltdowns last year, to the opposite side of the spectrum – the euphoric illusions of V-shaped recoveries, the “Group-of-20” have committed $12-trillion of taxpayer money, equivalent to a fifth of the entire globe’s annual economic output. The G-20’s largesse has been used to fund capital injections into banks, soaking-up toxic assets, guaranteeing financial company debt, and flooding the world credit and stock markets with ultra-cheap liquidity.
Continue reading Dangerous Side Effects of Ultra-Easy Money