Republished Article
Original (5 Nov 2008)
Obama has proposed restoring the PAYGO policy that prohibits increases in federal spending without a way to compensate for the lost revenue.
So what can a new Administration propose that would address our economic problems under the umbrella of PAYGO? Why not move away from the central banking / warfare model and decentralize the economy in a way that actually makes money for people?
Here are some initial ideas that could reduce the drain on the real economy and kickstart new growth. Please post your own ideas below…
1. Return the issuance of currency to the US Treasury and create an alternative depository function rather than using the NY Fed;
2. End the manipulation and suppression of the precious metals prices;
3. Reverse changes over the last decade that allow financial institutions and credit card companies to practice usury;
4. Implement compliance with laws related to audited financial statements for the US government and publish the federal budget and financials on a place-based basis so that voters can see the federal financial performance by congressional district and county;
5. Publish federal agency contract budgets, contracts and payments;
6. Publish totals for intelligence agency and national security budgets that are currently confidential;
7. Create a process for streamlined waivers whereby county and states may apply for an receive waivers of federal laws and regulations that permit reengineering of federal programs, credit, expenditures and rules within communities that are PAYGO neutral or positive and improve return on investment to taxpayers;
8. Encourage the creation and use of local currencies;
9. Direct the Securities and Exchange Commission to review and improve methods for non-accredited investors to invest locally;
10. Legislate a special tax on recipients of bonuses resulting in compensation in excess of that of the senior civil service for firms receiving bailout benefits;
11. Authorize and encourage federal agencies to engage in debt-for-equity swaps with municipalities and counties that wish to assume ownership and responsibility for local assets owned by the US government or any financial institutions in federal government conservatorship or financed by federal government bailouts and arrange for market makers in the resulting equity securities;
12. Encourage the prototyping and implementation of energy and healthcare technology and techniques; use enforcement agencies and offices to protect entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from dirty tricks by public and private parties attempting to prevent the application of energy-saving and life-saving knowledge;
13. End the chemtrails spraying program;
14. Require strict labelling for all genetically modified food, phase out its legality;
15. Promote self-sufficiency skills and financial literacy in both grade school and high school curriculums;
16. Pardon and release from prison non-violent offenders of drug use crimes;
17. Outlaw most financial derivatives and authorize the creation of exchanges and stocks that have the authority to prevent the creation of puts, options and derivatives related to their activity;
18. Encourage local government to use participatory budgeting.
19. Authorize and fund a third party audit of the US gold reserves.
20. Determine and implement provisions to increase the ease with which funds in 401ks and IRAs can directed to local investment.
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