Digital Colonialization

We don’t want to become a digital colony of global internet giants,” ~ French Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The reverberations are everywhere. In the courthouse, in the legislature, on the news, we see a continuous flow of actions resulting from the realization that modern digital systems are wildly compromised and are the heart of the economic warfare and market manipulations raging across the planet.

Russia has passed a law that will move them towards a national payment system. In the meantime, Visa and MasterCard are required to post nearly $4 billion with the central bank just in case they are part of a sanction freeze again. When the US commentator sneered that Putin could not buy a coke in Moscow without the US government knowing it on a real time basis, I dare say he may not have appreciated what Putin’s decision to do something about that might cost the US credit card companies.

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Now the Google EU settlement is in danger. European economic ministers have realized that Google is much more than a search engine. It comes with a dark fiber sucking sound into the US data beast. The US financial system is tendering for global citizens one digital wallet and one database at a time. As Nicholas Negroponte said, “in a digital age, data about money is worth more than money.” Indeed, one German economic minister has suggested that Google should be busted up.

This shift for the creation of Internet, clearing and payments systems that have local, national or peer-to-peer integrity is just beginning. Where it will go is anyone’s guess. However, it will be at the heart of deciding whether we have bipolar geopolitics or global empire, whether we are free or slave, whether we will have markets or tyranny.

The blowback from the NSA revelations has only begun. In the words of Ken Kesey, “The reverberation often exceeds through silence the sound that sets it off; the reaction occasionally outdoes by way of repose the event that stimulated it; and the past not uncommonly takes a while to happen, and some long time to figure out.”

Related Reading:

Visa and MasterCard Cling to Russia Despite $3.8Bln Blow

Google’s EU Settlement in Danger

The Data Beast