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The Solari Report – 22 July 2010
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by Catherine Austin Fitts
Dr. Begich in Alaska with his wife, artist Shelah Begich Slade
This Thursday on the Solari Report, I will be speaking with Dr. Nick Begich, founder of Earthpulse Press in Anchorage, Alaska.
Among many other accomplishments, Dr. Begich is the foremost public authority on the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), founded in 1993 in Gakona, Alaska and operated by the Office of Naval Research and the Air Force Research Laboratory in affiliation with the University of Alaska. (To appreciate the significant role played by the Air Force and Navy in the Alaskan economy, see recent federal government grants and contracts in Alaska (Note: http://www.eagleeyeinc.com/search.fpc?pg=204 -This database is no longer public).
Dr. Begich’s fearless research and educational efforts regarding developments in invisible technology, including HAARP, and the resulting impact on our health, our mental capacity, our society and our environment are some of the most important contributions by any author and activist of our generation.
Dr. Begich is the co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology and Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul and author of Earth Rising – The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and Controlling the Human Mind – The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. I have read and maintain all of his books in my library and recommend them to you. You can access them at Earthpulse Press.
“What in the world is going on?” is a question I am often asked. Understanding HAARP and invisible technologies is critical insight needed to successfully navigate our world. Among other things, it is essential to understand financial markets today, including my economic scenario the slow burn and why I say that the military holds up the U.S. dollar. The importance of understanding HAARP and related technology was underscored by our recent discussion with Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute in Santa Fe.
We will be covering lots of ground, so expect our interview to go extra time:
- What is HAARP?
- Who governs and manages HAARP; who owns the patents?
- How does HAARP work?
- What are the potential applications of this technology?
- What has been the spread of this technology?
- What are the potential impacts to our health and mental capability as well as the environment?
- What are the potential impacts on the economy and financial markets?
- What can we do to protect ourselves and ensure transparency about HAARP and other invisible technologies and weaponry?
I will start with a Money & Markets and some great questions from subscribers in Ask Catherine.
As our movie this week, please watch Dr. Begich’s recent video on HAARP below. This is important background for our discussion.
Patent – Dr. Bernard Eastland’s “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere.”
If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, please post your questions at the cart by Thursday evening or post live through our teleseminar software through your browser.
Listen live on Thursday evening by phone or online through your browser, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it is posted on Friday.
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This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog.