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The Solari Report – 05 Aug 2010
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by Catherine Austin Fitts
This Thursday on the Solari Report, I will be speaking with Dr. Riki Ott, the Alaskan marine toxicologist helping fisherman and residents in the Gulf of Mexico.
Riki, the former owner and operator of a fishing vessel in her home of Cordova, Alaska, helped lead the response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the effort to hold Exxon accountable, including two decades of litigation that went all the way to the Supreme Court.
Passionate about eliminating the corporate rights of personhood, Riki publishes a website that includes resources in support of her efforts in the Gulf and blogs at Huffington Post.
Riki inspires everyone around her to positive action, including me. It was Riki’s concern for the children in her family that inspired me to write Gifting to the Children We Love.
We have lots of ground to cover:
- what is happening to the people and living ecosystem of the Gulf?
- why dispersants? Why corexit? What are the impacts on people and places?
- the well kill – is it for real?
- the relief wells – will they work? If not, what then?
- the lessons of Exxon Valdez
- what can we do?
Riki is the author of Not One Drop – Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and South Truth & Corporate Myth$: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. You can access them through her website.
I will start with a Money & Markets and some great questions from subscribers in Ask Catherine.
As our video this week, watch Riki’s fascinating May interview on the twentieth anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
Related Watching:
Antonia Juhasz: BP’s “Missing Oil” Washes Up On St Mary’s Parish Beaches
If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, please post your questions at the cart by Thursday evening or post live through our teleseminar software through your browser.
Listen live on Thursday evening by phone or online through your browser, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it is posted on Friday.
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This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog.