Enron-gate: Let’s Play 20 Questions (2002)
[CAF & BEN: Do you want a brief introductory or conclusion paragraph here, or do you want the sarcasm to speak for itself? Also, one is missing its “answer.”]
Q: When the Mexican bailout occurred and the Russian IMF loans in 1998 happened, where did the money go?
It went from one bank account at a NY Fed member bank to another bank account at another NY Fed member bank; indeed, it appears that the money never digitally or physically left Wall Street.
Q: So let’s not talk about the money missing from Mexico or Russia. What about the money missing from the USA—money missing from U.S. Treasury, HUD, and DOD?
[CAF: Do you want a “pretend” answer here. Maybe: “What missing money?”]
Q: Who is the U.S. depository for the U.S. Treasury?
NY Fed… um, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of New York, and Goldman Sachs…
Q: Who handles all the accounts for the HUD servicing?
JPMorgan Chase.
Q: Who are the primary dealers on the U.S. Treasury auctions?
JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of New York, and Goldman Sachs…
Q: Who are the firms accused of manipulating the gold market by GATA?
Fed, Morgan-Chase, Citibank, Goldman. GATA also says that there appear to be manipulations of the stock market by the Treasury/Fed…something they call the “plunge protection team.”
Q: What dealers are doing that?
Fed, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs…
Q: Who laundered $3 trillion out of the U.S. Government? Where did it go? Who got it?
Don’t know but it could not have been pulled out without Fed, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, or Goldman Sachs knowing how much and where it went.
Q: How did they launder the money offshore?
Don’t know.
Q: Who were Enron’s big trading partners?
JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs…
Q: Who were Enron’s big lenders and investment bankers?
JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman, UBS (one of the largest Swiss banks)…
Q: How much were Swiss Bank accounts up as of March 2001?
Swiss bank accounts were up by an unexpected $8 trillion in onshore and offshore accounts.
Q: The most sensitive Enron trading records were in Enron Online. It was just auctioned. Who were the big bidders?
JP Morgan Chase, Citibank…
Q: Who won control of Enron Online?
UBS, but it’s a Swiss bank.
Q: Who is the most recent board member of UBS?
Lawrence Weinbach, former Chairman of Arthur Andersen (one of the five largest audit/accounting firms in the world)
Q: Are there any other board connections?
Pug Winokur, chairman of Enron’s finance committee, is chairman of the compensation committee of the DynCorp board and has a partner who is on the DynCorp board with him; Dudley Mecum is on Citibank’s board; Frank Savage is also a member of Lockheed Martin’s board. [CAF/BEN: Are these titles still current?] DynCorp and Lockheed manage substantial information and accounting/payment systems for the agencies with missing money and the agencies in charge of enforcement.
Trick Questions:
Hint: Enron’s reported sales through 2000 represented a five year 57% increase.
Q. Did any of that money flow through Houston, or did it just flow around NY Fed bank accounts and their offshore correspondents?
Q: Did it flow from a NY Fed bank account that said “U.S. Treasury” on it?
Q: How long would it take DynCorp, manager of the PROMIS system for DOJ paid by the taxpayer, to determine sources and uses of money through the Enron trading accounts and find and seize all offshore Enron monies?
Q: How long would it take a company like Lockheed or DynCorp to help steal it?
Q: How long would an incoming Bush Administration have to keep Enron afloat before the banks had all the money trails safely destroyed?
Q: Why has the DOJ allowed Enron time to sell Enron Online, to shred all their documents, and to allow Arthur Andersen time to shred their documents?