***CAF Note: The airwaves are full of intellectual trash. First from Facebook executives, now from academia to help try and ruin our July 4th. Our freedoms come to us by divine authority. Daniel Webster created a dictionary because he believed, rightly, that totalitarian interests would try to change the US Constitution by changing the meaning of the words. Now we see an effort to change the Declaration of Independence by reinventing the punctuation. Won’t work.***
By Jennifer Schuessler
Every Fourth of July, some Americans sit down to read the Declaration of Independence, reacquainting themselves with the nation’s founding charter exactly as it was signed by the Second Continental Congress in 1776.
Or almost exactly? A scholar is now saying that the official transcript of the document produced by the National Archives contains a significant error – smack in the middle of the sentence beginning “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” no less.