Eurasia and the New Silk Road

By DeepResource

Pepe Escobar, Brasilian born and roving correspondent for RT and other outlets, is not a fan of the US global empire, to put it mildly. In one of his latest articles he gives thought to the question if it is possible to push the US out of Eurasia. The short answer is: yes. Escobar is contemplating the possibility that Germany could join Moscow and Beijing:

A specter haunts the fast-aging “New American Century”: the possibility of a future Beijing-Moscow-Berlin strategic trade and commercial alliance. Let’s call it the BMB. Its likelihood is being seriously discussed at the highest levels in Beijing and Moscow, and viewed with interest in Berlin, New Delhi and Tehran. But don’t mention it inside Washington’s Beltway or at NATO headquarters in Brussels… the tectonic plates of Eurasian geopolitics continue to shift, and they’re not going to stop just because American elites refuse to accept that their historically brief “unipolar moment” is on the wane.

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