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The Solari Report 2014-03-06
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
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Theme “The Ducks Are Squawking”
Money & Markets In Money and Markets, Catherine discusses the recent geopolitics and motivations occurring in the events in the Ukraine. She also describes the important issues occurring in the United States.
Hero Our Hero this week is Charles Farnsley former mayor of Louisville, Kentucky.
Let’s Go to the Movies! This week for Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine reviews the documentary Music Makes a City, a PBS documentary about the impact of the Louisville Orchestra on the community and economic development of Louisville, Kentucky.
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
The television shows that we see today are very different than the ones that we saw 40-50 years ago. TV shows used to be more about family values and fun, and today they’re more about ego, chaos, evil, and selfishness. How much of this transition, in your opinion, has to do with the intentional programming of our minds?
I was born here in the United States and have lived here my entire life. Are Americans much more clueless, blind, and trusting of their own government than people from other countries around the world seem to be?
Perhaps too late for the interview. How does the farm bil com-modity subsidy affect the commodity market in broad terms?
The recently passed 2014 Farm Bill is a mixed bag. The five year bill is worth nearly $1 trillion and includes funds for programs like nutrition, farmer insurances, agricultural research, commodity sub-sidies and conservation. 79% of the Bill funds the SNAP Program (food stamps and nutrition education) and of the 21% “other” part of the pie, 68% funds commodities and crop insurance.
(In regards to Support Your Local Slaughterhouse)
We know all about this. We suspect it is some kind of effort to herd (sorry about the pun) business toward much bigger (gigantic corporate) facilities as well as shut down our local producers… It makes no sense otherwise.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this website, but I just found it myself and I think it will prove to be very interesting
It has maps for electromagnetic patterns from HAARP I believe it is, and also chemtrail forecasts. I plan to watch it daily looking for patterns, as I do earthquakes (which I’ve done for well over 20 years). Seeing patterns of earthquakes in areas of geopolitical un-rest has been eye-opening.
I am extremely pleased that news of your establishment came my way. The mental, emotional & spiritual nutrition in your offerings is a real treat.
Thank you
Interview Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Don Coxe of Coxe Advisors
March 13: The Breakaway Economy Part 2
March 20: Employment Statistics with John Williams
March 27: Reinventing America’s Homes and Buildings with Matt Stein
Subscriber Links:
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives
The US, Russia & The Power of Soft Weapons
Ukraine’s Government Mulling Privatization of Energy Sector – Yatseniuk
“With cumulative growth in Asia well above 4% and the Eurozone finally emerging from deep recession, commodities have resumed their long-term upward trend” ~Don Coxe
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on The Solari Report, I will be speaking with Don Coxe of Coxe Advisors about the commodities market, including what the impact of the Fed’s taper of its Quantitative Easing program might be.
Coxe Advisors serves as advisor to a series of commodities funds in the United States, Canada and internationally. Coxe’s conference call briefings have become so popular through word of mouth that he is now launching a subscription service.
I started listening and following Don’s work years ago. Don understands commodities and markets from the boots on the ground of a farmer, a miner or an operator as well as from the point of view of hot money shifting billions of dollars and currency between fixed income, equities and commodities around the globe. His breadth of knowledge is remarkable – it’s the reason he is often referred to as “a Renaissance man.”
In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest developments in geopolitics and markets, so please post your questions on the blog.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Music Makes a City, a PBS documentary about the significant contribution of the Louisville orchestra to the life and economic development of Louisville, Kentucky.