Former Goldman Sachs chairman Hank Paulson is not the only person supporting increased powers for the Federal Reserve:
Obama Calls for Overhaul of Financial Regulations
Did you know that Goldman Sachs is one of the lead donors to Obama’s and Clinton’s primary campaigns?
Ever wonder what % of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Goldman Sachs owns? (That information is a secret. So is the rights of bank owners to Fed data and intelligence, arguably the most valuable asset.)
So, for example, if $4 trillion plus is missing through U.S. federal agency accounts managed by the NY Fed, and Goldman Sachs owns, let’s guess, 10% of the NY Fed stock, that would be $400 billion plus that Goldman partners and shareholders might owe us.
What do you think? Does it make sense, for Goldman to invest say 1% of their profits (app. $4 billion plus) to finance philanthropy that promote their image as a fine citizen and to fund campaigns and lobbying efforts designed to:
- get Goldman alums appointed to high government and central bank positions
- switch market management and regulation under the control of a private bank they and their global colleagues secretly own and control
- make sure that the flow of insider information to their operations and affiliates remains secret
- make sure they are allowed to build and control shadow markets with government resources
Would this not be the ultimate leveraged buyout? Buying a whole country with the country’s own money and putting yourself in charge?
Note: In the interests of full disclosure, Catherine worked at Goldman Sachs as a summer intern in 1977, is a member of the Goldman Sachs Alumnae network and reads Goldman Sachs investment research.