Food & Health – Week of 01.06.2013

Pacific Bluefin Tuna Overfishing Has Led To 96 Percent Population Reduction, Study Says

Huffington Post | 10 January 2013
The latest stock assessment of Bluefin tuna in the Pacific released on Wednesday…

The Connection Between Diet Drinks and Depression

Activist Post | 09 January 2013
A new study has been published from the University of Rochester Medical Center

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ – Published in Federal Gov’t Journal

Reuters | 24 July 2012
Harvard University researchers’ review of fluoride/brain studies concludes…

Cell Phone Radiation Safety Limits Are “Not Adequate to Protect Public Health”

PRLOG | 03 January 2013
A newly published review of the research on mobile phone radiation and brain…

Joe Cross – Moms In Chare Event

YouTube | 11 December 2012