No Label? No Problem! TellSpec to Boost Clean Food Revolution
The Healthy Home Economist | 19 January 2014
A common topic on this blog is how food manufacturers dupe the consumer with misleading or downright false information on food labels…
Extoxnet | September 1993
Chlorpropham is a plant growth regulator used for preemergence control of…
My Potato Project; The Importance of “Organic”
YouTube | 22 May 2011
A child’s experiment turns into a lesson on the toxins in our food supply…
Agrochemical Companies Sue to Block Anti-GMO Law in Hawaii
Reuters | 11 January 2014
Three of the world’s largest agrochemical companies have filed a lawsuit in Hawaii to block a law…
Monsanto Marijuana Initiative Grows in Uruguay?
The Daily Bell | 13 December 2013
In South America, Monsanto has found it rough going…