Food & Health – Week of 02.03.2013

US Teen Invents Advanced Cancer Test Using Google

BBC News | 20 August 2012
Fifteen-year-old high school student Jack Andraka likes to kayak and watch…

JAMA Study: Kids With Fewer Vaccines Have Fewer Doctor and Emergency Room Visits

Health & Impact News Daily | 21 January 2013
JAMA Pediatrics published a new study today looking at vaccination rates.

Caffeine Jitters

Chemical & Engineering News | 04 February 2013
Sales boost in energy drinks and deaths linked to the products make scientists…

Sepp Holzer ~ American Tour de Force
Youtube | 29 December 2013
This is the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, to learn from the legend at the peak of his performance.

Advocates Question Number of Foster Children on Psych Drugs

Statesman | 30 January 2013
A troubling proportion of Texas youths in foster care — including children as young…

GMO A Go Go – Truth About GMOs Explained in New Animated Cartoon
Youtube | 31 January 2013

China’s Thick Smog Arrives in Japan

France 24 | 04 February 2013
The suffocating smog that blanketed swathes of China is now hitting parts of Japan…

Mary Clear – The Peas and Love Revoluton | Cohabitat Gathering 2012, Tód?, Poland

Youtube | 21 November 2012

Never Leave the Playground

Growing Bolder | 25 April 2012
As we age, many of us have a fatal flaw that can lead to a fatal fall…

Genetic Changes to Food May Get Uniform Labeling

The New York Times | 31 January 2013
With Washington State on the verge of a ballot initiative that would require labeling…