Food & Health – Week of 03.24.2013

Monsato Protection Act
Snopes | 27 March 2013
The Monsato Protection Act creates a “precedent-setting limitation on judicial review of genetically-engineered crops.”

5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion
Why Don’t You Try This | 13 March 2013
Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes…

Texas A&M Will be Home to $91 Million Vaccine-Manufacturing Facility
Statesman | 26 March 2013
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has approved the creation…

Heart Repair Breakthroughs Replace Surgeon’s Knife
Yahoo! News | 25 March 2013
Have a heart problem? If it’s fixable, there’s a good chance it can be done without surgery…

Major US Supermarkets to Boycott GM Salmon
The Guardian | 20 March 2013
A number of US supermarket chains pledged on Wednesday not to sell…

Hear The Silence (2003) Dr Andrew Wakefield Drama

YouTube | 27 February 2013
Drama about Dr Andrew Wakefield & the parents of vaccine injured children…

Tell President Obama to Veto the Monsanto Protection Act!
Food Democracy Now
We regret to inform you, but late last week Congress succeeded…