Food & Health – Week of 07.03.16

Contagious Cancers are Spreading among Shellfish: Columbia Medicine

YouTube | 22 June 2016
Among marine…

GMO Labeling Legislation Clears Another Hurdle
Sust. Ag. | 08 July 2016
State authority…

Another Day, Another Corporate Merger: It’s Time To Push Back
Our Future | 07 July 2016
Underscores a danger…

UC Widens Vaccination Requirements for 2017
LA Times | 06 February 2015
Four vaccines: those for…

Journal of Practical Ethics: A Journal of Philosophy:Going Viral: Vaccines, Free Speech, and the Harm Principle
University of Oxford | 2016
Latest pro-vaccine argument: Kill free speech related to vaccines! (Geo Engineering July 2nd link above, perspective) Applied to the Real World…

A Love Story
YouTube | 05 July 2016

The Dolly Legacy: Are you eating cloned meat?
Yahoo | 04 July 2016
There is one sector…

Latest Solari Donation
Stop The Dark ACT in the Senate
GMO Free USA | 03 July 2016
Note: Donate button lower on page…

New California Vaccine Law Being Challenged in Court
Vaccine Impact | 03 July 2016
Lawsuit Against SB 277…

Recent California Vaccine Law Already Being Challenged in Court
Health Freedoms | 03 July 2016
First law in the United States to remove…

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 2, 2016
Geoengineering | 02 July 2016
Military/medical/industrial complex are starting…

FEMA Contractor: Unrest After 395% Food Price Spike Coming Soon
Zero Hedge | 29 June 2016
Several factors indicate may already…

Journal of Practical Ethics: A Journal of Philosophy:Going Viral: Vaccines, Free Speech, and the Harm Principle
University of Oxford | 2016
(Geo Engineering July 2nd link above, perspective) Applied to the Real World…