Food & Health – Week of 07.26.15

Bombshell: CDC Destroyed Vaccine Documents, Congressman Reveals
Jun Rappoport| 31 July 2015
High-ranking executives at the CDC in…

Weston Price Foundation- UGENT ACTION ALERT
CDC Destroyed Documents to Conceal MMR-Autism Cover Up
Request Investigation and Subpoena CDC Whistleblower William Thompson to Testify Before Congress
Solari Blog: Catherine’s Commentary | 30 July 2015
I regret that my co-authors and I…

Providing High Quality Care at Affordable Prices
Surgery Center OKlahoma | 2015
Actual price you will pay…

Opternative Launches Online Eye Exams, so You Can Get a Prescription Right from Your Desktop
Venture Beat | 27 July 2015
Covering 75 percent of…

2 more MD’s (1 Prominent Holistic, & One of Missing Docs) Found Dead, Bringing the Total to 8
Health Nut News | 23 July 2015
Timeline now on all…

CrowdMed: How We Help Patients

Vimeo | 2015
Struggling with an unsolved medical condition…

Nicholas Gonzalez, MD Reveals the Truth about Chemotherapy

YouTube | 24 July 2015
It’s success rate…

Oncologists Don’t Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because It’s Too Effective and Too Cheap
Health Freedom Alliance | 25 July 2015
9 out of 10 cancer patients agree to chemotherapy first without…

We Don’t Trust Drinking Fountains Anymore, and That’s Bad for Our Health
Washington Post Opinions | 08 July 2015
Slashed the number of required…