‘Artificial Egg’ Made from PLANTS Backed by Bill Gates Set to Revolutionize Cooking Goes on Sale at Whole Foods
Vegetarian Friend | 05 November 2013
A radical ‘artificial egg’ backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and Bill Gates went on sale in US supermarkets for the first time on September 10, 2013…
Growing Fruit in a Nuthouse: Designing Our Orchards for Economic Collapse and Climate-Destabilization
Resilience | 04 November 2013
“Historians who look back on these strange years of suspended consequence…
US Moves to Ban Trans Fats From Processed Foods
The Telegraph | 07 November 2013
The US has moved towards banning trans fat from processed foods like microwave popcorn and frozen pizzas…
Hundreds of Vacant Lots to Become World’s Largest Urban Farm in Detroit
Inhabitat | 01 November 2013
Hundreds of vacant lots in Detroit, Michigan will soon be transformed into the world’s largest urban farm…