Food & Health – Week of 11.12.17

Pfizer Vice President Blows Whistle on Gardasil: “The Vaccine is Deadly”
Health Nut News | 16 November 2017
Dr. Peter Rost: Influencing the Medical Establishment – One More Girl Excerpts

YouTube | 16 May 2013
Whistleblower of the pharmaceutical industry…

California Mother Harassed by Police Asking If Her Children Were Vaccinated
Need to Know | 14 November 2017
I am being set up by…

FDA Approves ‘Trackable’ Pill
BBC | 14 November 2017
Size of a grain of…

77 Holistic Practitioners Now Dead Since 2015: This Is Beyond Strange, They Are Dropping Like Flies And MSM Ignores Them
All News Pipeline | 13 November 2017
Former detective was ordered…

Natural Health Practitioner and Family Alleged to Die in Murder-Suicide
AZ Central | 11 November 2017