Food & Health – Week of 12.06.15

New Superbug Resistant To All Antibiotics Linked To Imported Meat
Forbes | 10 December 2015
Bits of DNA that can be…

Philippines Supreme Court Confirms GMO Eggplant Ban
Sustainable Pulse | 08 December 2015
Explained its application of the precautionary…

CDC: 1 in 45 Children Diagnosed With Autism
The Vaccine Reaction | 08 December 2015
1 in 45 children with a very serious neurological condition is…

Toxic Exposure and Its Impact on American Students’ Cognitive Abilities
The Vaccine Reaction | 07 December 2015
Production of heme, thus affecting …

Scientist Who Discovered GMOs Cause Tumors in Rats Wins Landmark Defamation Lawsuit in Paris
Health Nut News | 06 December 2015
Libel trial that represents…

Movie Extravaganza — Three Films to Celebrate World Soil Day
Mercola | 05 December 2015
Interface between biology and…

European Agency Declares HPV Vaccines Safe, But Denmark, Japan Skeptical
The Vaccine Reaction | 04 December 2015
Substantial conflicts of interest, citing…

Why We Are Winning the GMO Battle.

You Tube | 03 December 2015
Importance of eliminating…

NYC Public Schools’ Brewing Fight on Vaccines: My Kid, My Choice
The Vaccine Reaction | 28 November 2015
Flu shot has been shown to be…

NIH Research: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly
The Vaccine Reaction | 13 November 2015
Read the government study that found no …