Food & Health – Week of 8.8.10

Food Stamp Use Hit Record 40.8m in May (5 Aug 10)

UK Doctors: New Superbug Gene Could Spread Widely
Yahoo News (11 Aug 10)

Russian Fires Raise Fears of Radioactivity
The New York Times (10 Aug 10)

Belly Fat May Double Risk of Death For Older Adults
USA Today (9 Aug 10)

Canola, Pushed by Genetics, Moves Into Uncharted Territories
The New York Times (9 Aug 10)

Moscow Death Toll Soars as Heat Wave Persists
Los Angeles Times (10 Aug 10)

First Signs of Puberty Seen in Younger Girls
The New York Times (9 Aug 10)

Eat / Pray / Love
Transitionus US (7 Aug 10)