Letter to the USDA and Congress

RE: Federal Mandate for “Pasteurization” of Almonds

Secretary Mike Johanns

United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave SW
Whitten Building Suite 200A
Washington, D.C. 20250

Senator Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Rep. Dennis Cardoza
Congressman, California
435 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6131
Fax: 225-0819
Toll-free: 800-356-6424

Rep. Ron Kind
Congressman, Wisconsin
1406 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5506
Fax: (202) 225-5739

Re: Federal Mandate for “Pasteurization” of Almonds

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am writing to request that you immediately halt USDA mandates
for sanitized treatment of raw almonds, euphemistically described as “pasteurization.” There is nothing more heinous than the use of food safety as a pretext to centralize our food supply under corporate control.

I pray that those who care about the integrity of our seed and food supply and our land and topsoil will have the good sense to pull our deposits and investments out of US Treasury and agency securities and the NY Federal Reserve member banks as depository to the US government.

It is one thing to watch the destruction of life on planet earth. Why finance it?

Very Truly Yours,

Catherine Austin Fitts
President, Solari, Inc.
Managing Member, Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Bush I


Action Alert from Weston Price Foundation

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