Francis Parvin Willits, recognized as one of the most progressive and successful representatives of the agricultural interest of Concordville, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, is a member of a family that has long been resident in the state of Pennsylvania, devoting their attention to the tilling of the soil, and leading quiet, peaceful lives, leaving an influence for good in the various communities in which they resided.
David Willits, father of Francis P. Willits, was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1827, son of William Willits and Esther (Lightfoot) Willits, the former a resident of Maiden Creek, Pennsylvania, a farmer by occupation. David Willits attended the district school, and his active career was devoted to farming, being a man of energy and thrift. He married Charlotte Dunkle Parvin, born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1833, daughter of Francis and Mary (Dunkle) Parvin, the former a successful farmer of Berks county. Children: 1. William, born October 4, 1852, in Maiden Creek, Pennsylvania, and living there at the present time (1913); married Amanda Yoder; children Allen, Charlotte, Howard, deceased, and Sally, deceased. 2. Francis Parvin, of whom further. 3. Ellen Emily, born February 17, 1859; unmarried; resides in Maiden Creek. 4. Sally, born December 4, 1861, died in infancy. David Willits died March 9, 1863, and his wife died January 29, 1863, both of typhus fever, aged respectively thirty-six and thirty years.
Francis Parvin Willits was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1856. He attended the public schools of Lower Oxford township, Chester county, Pennsylvania, where he went to life after the death of his parents, with Franklin and Mary Garrett, cousins of his father, he being then six years of age, and he remained with them until he was eighteen years of age. His early training in the public schools was supplemented by a course of study in the Maplewood Institute at Concordville, Delaware county, which he attended for two winters. He then accepted a clerkship in a mercantile business, remaining in that capacity for one year, under Merkle & Willits, and later he purchased the interest of his brother’s partner and operated the store in connection with his brother. This relationship continued until 1885, when he disposed of his interest to his brother, removed to Concordville, and there purchased his present farm, which consists of ninety-five and a half acres, devoted to general farming and dairying. He makes a specialty of asparagus and mushrooms, beginning the cultivation of the latter in 1901, and now has give large houses for that purpose, readily disposing of his product in the markets of New York, Philadelphia and Boston. The appearance of his property indicates that he is master of his business, of progressive ideas, and the success he has attained is the natural sequence of his well directed efforts. He was chosen to served on the directorship of the Grange National Bank of East Downington, Chester county, Pennsylvania; as a member of the school board of Concordville, and as one of the jurors of View, Delaware county. He has taken an active interest in the Progressive movement, being an Independent Republican. He is a member of the Concordville Lodge, No. 625, Free and Accepted Masons, in which he has served as trustee; member and past master of Concord Grange, No. 1141, Patrons of Husbandry, and is now (1913) member of the executive committee, also part master of Pomona Grange, No. 3, of Delaware and Chester counties.
Mr. Willits married, February 18, 1885, Elizabeth Paschall, born February 19, 1858, daughter of Henry L. and Annie (Pancoast) Paschall, of Concord township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, who were the parents of four other children, as follows: 1. Hannah B., married Elwood Hannum, now deceased, has two children: Anna P. and William E.; they reside in Concord township. 2. Joseph H., married Laura Mattson. 3. Catherine R., married Jacob J. Styer; children: Elizabeth; John, deceased; Paschall, deceased; Mildred; Franklin. 4. Susan, unmarried, resides with her sister, Hannah B. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Willits: 1. Paul Lincoln, born March 23, 1887; resides on the home farm and is engaged in business with his father; married Anna Miller, of Concord township, April 21, 1909; two children: Frances P/, born April 28, 1910, and Jennie Bennett, May 14, 1912, 2. Joseph Henry, born June 16, 1889; graduate of Media High School; of Swarthmore College, 1911, receiving the Master’s degree from the same institution in 1912, and during the past year has served as professor in economics at the Pennsylvania University; he married Ruth Clement Sharp, or Riverton, New Jersey, May 3, 1913. The family, who are highly esteemed in the community, taking an active part in its social life, are regular attendants of the Episcopal church of Concord township, Mr. Willits being a member of the vestry.
(Source: A History of Delaware County, Vol. 3; transcribed by Susan Geist)