
Third NSA Source Confirms: Flight 93 Shot Down by Air Force Jet
By Wayne Madsen – (20 Apr 2008)

Local Heroes: 17 Year Old Columnist Fired For Telling Truth
By Mohamma Sagha – (23 Apr 2008)

Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East, Zeihan Says
By Joe Carroll – (25 Apr 2008)

Northwesterners Easing Up On Gas
By Adam Brown – SightlineDaily (17 Apr 2008)

José Can You See? Bush’s Trojan Taco
By Greg Palast – Campaign For America’s Foture (20 Apr 2008)

Trust On Issues
Rasmussen Reports (21 Apr 2008)

RFID Chips Implanted in Humans, Pets and NAIS Animals May Cause Cancer
By Todd Lewan – Associated Press (8 Sep 2007)

Report on Bakken Oil Potential Expected
By James MacPherson – BusinessWeek (7 Apr 2008)
~ About Bakken Oil

The Great Migration Crisis
By Michaelo McCarthy – The Independent (21 Apr 2008)

John Berger and 93 Other Authors, Film-makers, Musicians and Performers Call for A Cultural Boycott of Israel
The Electronic Intifada (15 Dec 2006)

AT&T: Internet to Hit Full Capacity by 2010
By Andrew Donoghue – (18 Apr 2008)

Three States Subjected to "Martial Law Sweeps"
By Steve Watson – (18 Apr 2008)
~ View the WREG video here

Do Tennessee Businesses Have Ties to Terrorism? (14 Apr4 2008)

U.S. To Expand Collection of Crime Suspects’ DNA
By Ellen Nakashima & Spencer Hsu – Information Clearing House (19 Apr 2008)

Deep Antarctic Waters Freshening
By David Fogarty – The Daily Telegraph (18 Apr 2008)

Election Fraud in Pennsylvania?
By Michael Collins – Scoop Independent News (20 Apr 2008)

Cheney, Rumsfeld Fought to Impose Wiretaps For Foreign Intelligence Thirty Years Ago
The Raw Story (03 Feb 06)