Geopolitical – Week of 01.01.17

WikiLeaks Hints At Huge Upcoming Revelations: “2017 Will Blow You Away”
Zero Hedge | 03 January 2017
Ask WikiLeaks’ publisher…

Donate to WikiLeaks
Wikleaks | 03 January 2017
Via the Freedom of the Press Foundation or the Wau Holland Foundation…

Assange To Hannity: Source For WikiLeaks Was Not Russian Government
Real Clear Politics | 02 January 2017
Our source…

The House GOP’s Ethics vote: What was All that About, Anyway?
Politifact | 03 January 2017
Substantive concerns…

When a Luxury Apartment Becomes a Jail Cell
Real Deal | 02 January 2017
Flight risk…

Police Question Netanyahu in Graft Investigation
JPost | 02 January 2017
Several interrogation…

Trump Supporter Bo Dietl Plans to Oppose De Blasio for NYC Mayor
News Max | 02 January 2017

Trump Celebrates New Year’s Eve with Ex-felon with Mob Ties
Undernews | 01 January 2017
Released video…

No US Carrier at Sea Leaves Gap in Middle East
Fox News | 30 December 2016
U.S. Navy amphibious assault…

Who is Supporting ISIS-Daesh in Syria? Erdogan or Obama? “Cross-Cutting Coalitions”, NATO Military Alliance in Crisis
Global Research | 28 December 2016
Concern to Erdogan is…

Field of Vision – Relatively Free

YouTube | 21 December 2016
Files contained…Government security agencies and…