Geopolitical – Week of 01.17.16

Why We Must Now Adopt the “Ohio Plan” to Prevent the “Strip & Flip” of American Elections
RSN | 21 January 2016
2016 is likely to be decided by a tiny handful of…

Afghan Air
Full Measure | 3 January 2016
Stumble across…

Emancipation of Military: Containing the Citizenry
Fred On Everything | 21 January 2016
Factors that forced…

Israel Furious at UN Report Detailing Torture of Palestinian Children
Telegraph | 21 January 2016
Physical and verbal…

ISIS Cuts Fighters’ Pay By 50%, Cites “Exceptional Circumstances”
ZeroHedge | 20 January 2016
Cash flow has been constrained thanks to…

‘Several Dozen’ Clinton Emails had Data Beyond Top Secret – Watchdog
RT | 20 January 2016
Classified information at an even higher…

Davos Boss Warns Refugee Crisis Could Be Precursor to Something Much Bigger
Bloomberg | 18 January 2016
Spur “a substantial social break…

US Sanctions Illegal as American Arms Used Against Palestinians, Yemenis – Iranian FM
RT | 18 January 2016
Used in war crimes against…

The Vatican has Announced Plans to Ensure its Supply Chains don’t Use Slave Labor
US News | 18 January 2016
Supermarket chains and food manufacturers…

Independence Is A “Poison Hallucination As Useless As Looking For Fish In A Tree,” China Warns Taiwan, After Vote
Zero Hedge | 17 January 2016
exports are in free…

U.S. Imposes New Ballistic Sanctions On Iran, Day After Many Penalties Lifted
NPR | 17 January 2016
Prompted by Iran’s recent…

US to Pay Iran $1.7 Bn in Debt and Interest: Kerry
Yahoo | 17 January 2016
Netted American companies…

Ultra-Rich ‘Philanthrocapitalist’ Class Undermining Global Democracy, Study Says
Truthdig | 17 January 2016
Simultaneously functions to ‘keep…

Saudi King to Abdicate Throne in Favor of Son: Report
Press TV | 15 January 2016

ExxonMobil and CIA Carry Out Global “Walmart Scheme” to Manipulate Oil Prices and Destabilize Russia – Video
YouTube | 15 January 2016
Crisis in Russia, Venezuela, and…

China on Track to Build Its Very First Military Base in Africa
The Daily Sheeple | 12 January 2016
China clearly has a more sustainable and…

Japan Eyes Bigger South China Sea Presence in 2016
The Diplomat | 12 January 2016
P-3Cs have advanced…