Geopolitical – Week of 02.14.16

“They Really Don’t Want This Out”: The Biggest Iraq War Scandal That Nobody’s Talking About
Information Clearing House | 17 February 2016
Didn’t care and…

NATO Warns Turkey It Won’t Support Ankara in Conflict With Russia
RT | 20 February 2016
Interest in…

French Front National Offices Raided By Police Over ‘Politically Motivated’ Expenses Claims
Breitbart | 18 February 2016
Bullied other European politicians..

Greatest Threat to Free Speech in the West: Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation
Information Clearing House | 18 February 2016
Literally to criminalize…

Trump Correct About Secret 9/11 Report
YouTube | 18 February 2016
(At minute one) Attacks …

Exclusive: Radioactive Material Stolen in Iraq Raises Fears
Reuters | 17 February 2016

Why Criminal Justice Reform Could Be a Breakout Issue for 2016
WSJ | 17 February 2016
Strategically poll in…

Sheriff Blocks Feds From Harassing Raw Milk Farmer to “Stem the Tide of Federal Overreach”
Activist Post | 20 February 2016
Standing up for…

State Supreme Court Rules That Cops Do Not Need Warrants To Enter Homes And Forcibly Seize Evidence
Activist Post | 17 February 2016
‘Community caretaker’…

John Kerry Meets With Hollywood Studio Chiefs to Discuss ISIS
Variety | 16 February 2016
Daesh is an acronym for…

Scourge of US Elections: Electoral College, Hackable Voting Machines & Obscure Rules
RT | 15 February 2016
Not supersede the interests of…

Congress Is Wary of Chinese Deal for Chicago Stock Exchange
Bloomberg View | 17 February 2016
Chinese military…

Obama to Skip Scalia’s Funeral
Politico | 17 February 2016
Wondering whether…

Why Justice Scalia was Staying for Free at a Texas Resort
Washington Post | 17 February 2016
22-year policy…

Scalia Murdered? Did Texas Judge Once Ask God for a Ruling?
Jon Rappoport | 16 February 2016
Didn’t need to look…

What Supreme Court Vacancy Means for Obama’s Clean Power Plan
Fuel Fix | 15 February 2016
Greater than…%…

Was Justice Scalia Murdered? Forget “Conspiracy Theory.” This is Real.
Jon Rappoport | 14 February 2016
Reports..rapidly embalmed…

The Death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, Confusion and Conflicting Reports
Washington Post | 14 February 2016
Afterward were anything but…

Antonin Scalia, Justice on the Supreme Court, Dies at 79
NY Times| 14 February 2016
Trans formative legal theories…

What Antonin Scalia’s Death Means for the Supreme Court and the Country
Rolling Stones | 14 February 2016
More complicated …

The CIA Heart Attack Gun They Don’t Want You To Know About
YouTube | 16 February 2016
Examine a CIA poison dart…

Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive?
Information Clearing House | 12 February 2016
Inability of Americans to…

US Marshals Arresting People for Not Paying their Federal Student Loans
Fox 26 Houston | 16 February 2016

YouTube| 15 February 2016
Seven deputy US Marshals…

South China Sea Takes Center Stage at U.S.-ASEAN Summit
Yahoo | 16 February 2016
An entrepreneurial…

Chinese Defector Reveals Beijing’s Secrets
The Washington Free Beacon | 03 February 2016
Most privileged information of any…

The South China Sea Dispute: Increasing Stakes and Rising Tensions
Academia | 01 November 2009
Importance to human and food…

Britain Awakes to Reality: The European Crisis of 2016
The Saker | 16 January 2016
Pretence that there has been no reduction…

Sergei Glaziev: The Full Extend of Economic Manipulations in Russia.
The Saker | 15 February 2016
Why the geopolitical tension…

US Prompt Global Strike ‘Very Dangerous’ for Strategic Stability
Sputnik News | 15 February 2016
Not expected to be deployable for…

Bosnia-Herzegovina Applies for Membership in European Union
UPI | 15 February 2016
Map of Balkan Peninsula showing…

ISIS Continues Massive Retreat as Syrian Forces Advance Towards Tabaqa
AMN | 15 February 2016
Lost control of…

Decisive Rebuff? Iraq Sends Military Forces to Border With Saudi Arabia
Sputnik | 14 February 2016
150 thousand soldiers…

Road To World War III: Turkish Army Enters Syria After Second Day Of Shelling As Saudi Warplanes Arrive
Zero Hedge | 14 February 2016
Nasrallah’s army and Vladimir Putin’s…

Bill Clinton Took Over $2.5 Milllion from Corporations Lobbying his Wife’s State Department
Undernews | 14 February 2016
Same three-month…

The CBS News Republican Debate Transcript, Annotated
Washington Post | 13 February 2016
Prevail where there is pains taken to…

Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent
The Saker | 13 February 2016
Tactical successes to operational…

Shadow CIA Warns Russian Air Power Would Stop Any Foreign Invasion of Syria
Sputnik News | 12 February 2016
Rushed advanced surface-to-air…

Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger: It’s Personal. Very Personal.
Mother Jones | 12 February 2016
Destructive secretaries of state…

Mark Cuban Blasts Candidates for Being Out of Touch
Yahoo Finance | 09 February 2016
Socialist capitalism” is…